Strategy that delivers
Training Courses
Convenient & Cost-Effective
also in Spanish

At L & A, we cover a full-range of courses across all levels of food safety and food quality in the food industry. Our instructors have over 100 years of combined experiences in areas such as agriculture, conventional food (human & animal), beverages, medical nutritionals, and manufacturing. Our training program, includes a variety of certificated courses, many of which have an FDA approved curriculum. Our courses span the introductory, intermediate, and advanced levels of knowledge in each area. We have a highly interactive and engaging teaching style that has made us extremely popular with international clients and organizations. We are passionate about what we teach and take great pride in every course we teach. Please scroll below to see what is available.
Virtual Classroom PCQI Preventive Control for Human & Animal Food
Call or email us for 2024 dates & registration
Virtual Classroom FSVP Course
Call or email us for 2024 dates & registration
Basic HACCP, Preventive Control Rule, FSMA 204 Traceability
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Most organizations with a certification (such as: BRCGS, SQF, PGFS, Global GAP) find that they have to be proficient in HACCP for GFSI certifications, and the Preventive Control in FSMA. There is also the most recent FSMA 204 Traceability Rule just finalized. The course clarifies differences and similarities in these programs, and provides several manufacturing scenarios for participants. Participants are encouraged to use their organization's management systems as case studies.
Virtual Classroom Internal Auditor Course
Call or email us for 2024 dates & registration
This interactive course is for internal auditors, internal lead auditors, and individuals in organizations responsible for certification or recertification audits. The class is 1,5 days and is taught by a 30-year veteran in the GFSI certifications industry. The course is for lead internal auditors, internal auditors, auditees, and anyone responsible for the company's certification programs. You will learn about what auditors are looking for, conversations with auditors, audit techniques, and practice using different FSMA & GFSI audit checklists.

Online FSVP Course (Spanish)
Aug. 17 - 19, 2021
This 2 day course is delivered in Spanish. This course uses the only curriculum approved by the FDA for qualified individuals and foreign suppliers. This class is completely virtual, you do not need to leave your office or travel. Spend the savings on another class to enhance your career. Interact with a 25-year veteran of the food & beverage quality and regulatory environments to solve real-life problems within your manufacturing world.

Online PCQI (Human Food)
Oct. 18 - 20, 2021
This course provides the only curriculum approved by the FDA for the PCQI Human or Animal Food certification. This class is offered in both English and Spanish. The course is 100% virtual, so you can take the course from your office without incurring hotel and air fare expenses, and avoid any COVID-19 situations. The classes are very interactive and practical, with real-life examples. Please click the link below to contact us or to register for the course.